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The third issue of Shenxi's internal publication Skyline has been released 2021.11/08

The third issue of Shenxi's internal publication Skyline has been released. Both new and old employees actively contribute and share their experiences and gains.

The theme of this issue is to pay tribute to the martyrs, remember the history, and inherit the red memory. In the first half of the publication, the representatives of the post-70s, post-80s, and post-90s expressed their opinions and true feelings about the film of the Battle at Lake Changjin. The middle part of the publication shared the knowledge of how leaders manage employees, Shenxi's measures to cultivate talents and the latest developments in the suspended platform   industry. It is worth mentioning that in the industry’s development, Jiangsu Access Machinery & Suspended Platform Association organized a public welfare safety training to explain safety regulations such as falling from heights and the use of safety belts in the suspended platform. The last part of the publication describes the quality of sales staff, Shenxi's public welfare activities and the honor of the company.

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